Back to Reality

Hello again my dear sweet readers, I feel it's time for a little life update! Mom and I have just returned from a 2 week Europe cruise and it was a blast! We got to experience Spain, France, The Netherlands, and Belgium and it was surreal to be surrounded by the endless beauty that is… Continue reading Back to Reality

A Summary Of Shared Moments

A Summary of Shared Moments

Is there ever a time when you've wondered about the importance of shared moments? Whether it be with a friend, a family member, or anyone else in your inner circle, these moments can be rather defining for some. We never know what will have a real effect on our lives, or what small moment can… Continue reading A Summary Of Shared Moments


I can't believe it's already December! The final month of 2022... I'm in awe. Looking back on all my pictures, I see a different version of myself every month throughout the year. Each month after the next, having overcome whatever hard times, difficult lessons or unexpected experiences, that were thrown my way. All over a… Continue reading Months

Summer Time ‘Gladness’

Hey all my lovelies, just a little update. I am officially done with my corporate life, back into the food and hospitality, but honestly I am loving it. I feel like I'm getting a chance to live my life again. I've taken care of all my responsibilities that have always held me accountable and I… Continue reading Summer Time ‘Gladness’